
Saturday, November 19, 2016

Groesbeck Environment


  1. I really like the color palette & mood. Maybe see if you can vary the repeating cliff shapes a little more. Also clarify selected details a little more. Then the generally loose, painterly quality will be a nice relief from those details, instead of just feeling "fuzzy" overall. You can punch up some of the glowy colors and vary them some more. I like how your preliminary had a few reddish corals and some gold, purple, and other colors. But I also like the strong dominant color palette you have here. Try to find a balance between the simple overall palette, and the variety of other colors that keep it interesting. Also be careful to keep the eye moving—right now all points take the viewer to that one star, maybe too powerfully. We need a way to escape and keep moving around the composition.

  2. Really great colour palette, love the play of warm and cools. I'd say the coral could use more variety in species and shapes, and it'd be cool if one was right up in the viewer's face, like your original comp, as a focal point. Also like your comp, it could be nice to have coral wrapping around the sides of the cave. You may also look into putting in little fishes, crabs, glowy planktons, and jellies musing about in clusters to make it feel rich and full of life. Great job on the glowing corals!

  3. I love this! I think this is a place I would want to go to. The glowy coral is beautiful. Would agree with the above, the repeating ridges on the cliff might be nicer with more variety in either their spacing or variety of how they move up the rock. I also agree adding more organic life would be fun and give more character to the kind of place your environment is.

  4. I honestly feel like I want to see more of this, like broaden the canvas or something because it's very pretty!

    Anyway, I think you were very successful in giving this an underwater feel. I kind of want to see a bit more information in the hole instead of just a solid black. Maybe hint at some more cavern with some subtle value changes just so that the world you've created can feel more expansive. At the moment it feels a little claustrophobic as there doesn't seem to be anywhere to go.

    Good work! I like it.

  5. At first I didn't like the fuzzy feel (I've talked to you before about it), but if it is underwater than I think that fuzziness adds to that feeling. Look at reference, I think the stuff closer to us could be more focused and really push the background desaturated. Underwater is weird and acts differently, so look up lots of reference.

    But I really like the colors, the shapes feel familiar, but the colors help get that alien spacey feel across.
